You must be logged in to place bids - for help on this, see the Logging In page in the Help Topics on the left.
2 Go to My Dashboard
Click 'My iForce Auctions in the top right of the screen, then click '.My Dashboard'
3 Access your invoices
Under the Invoice section, it'll show you how many invoices are outstanding. Click on this to advance to a breakdown of your invoices.
4 Invoice Breakdown
Click unpaid to review and pay your outstanding invoice(s). On an invoice, if you click Pay Now you'll be taken through to the payment screen, however if you wish to review your invoice first (recommended) then click 'View Invoice'. You will then be able to amend the details explained in the following steps.
5 Review your Invoice
Firstly, select the invoice & delivery address. If you need to add a new address, see the My Details help page.
6 Delivery / Collection
Next, select either delivery or collection. Delievry prices can be found in the 'Delivery Charges' link at the bottom of the website.
Collections must be booked in advance (24 hrs for pallets, 48 hrs for single items) based on our working hours. Turning up to collect without confirmation from our customer service team will result in you being turned away by our on-site security due to not being booked in. We will not be held responsible for any costs associated with this.
7 Payment
Finally, select your payment type. All payment types will encur a 2% surchage, except for BACS.
8 Review & Confirm
Once the previous 3 steps have been done, review your invoice, and click submit when you are happy.
9 Pay
Once you are happy with your invoice, click 'Pay Now' at the top.
10 Bank Confirmation
Once you've selected 'Pay Now', you'll be taken through to the appropriate screen to complete the transaction.